Let's explore the latest trends, tools, and techniques in the Data World. 

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2 min read

Directions EMEA 2023

We're not just attending Directions EMEA; we're also proud sponsors of the Cabaret Cloud Party 2023 in Lyon, France.

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2 min read

AI-driven Item Insights

Once upon a time in the bustling city of Businessville, Josh, a diligent Managing Director, found himself immersed in the never-ending quest to...

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3 min read

Decoding Customer Churn

One challenge that keeps leaders awake at night is customer churn. Picture this: a loyal customer, once a regular and enthusiastic patron of a brand,...

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3 min read

Data Visualization: Why it Matters for Your Business

From graphs and charts to maps and diagrams, data visualization can take many forms, but the goal is always the same: to turn data into insights that...

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2 min read

AI-driven Apps for Business Central

Gaining deep insights into customer behavior and product performance has always been a critical factor for staying ahead of the competition. But the...

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1 min read

Apps for Business Central

Closing the Gap: Apps that Complete and Elevate Business Central

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