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New Partner Announcement - Sabre Limited

New Partner Announcement - Sabre Limited

Data Courage and Sabre Limited join forces to bring AI-driven advancements to the ERP systems of North American manufacturers.

This partnership marks a significant milestone, merging Data Courage's innovative AI applications for Business Central with Sabre Limited’s extensive experience and specialization in serving the North American market.

Sabre Limited is a leading provider of ERP and IT services for manufacturing businesses in North America, with over 30 years of experience. As specialists in this field, they provide top-notch solutions and services for small to medium-sized businesses.

Data Courage brings to the table its specialized AI applications for Business Central: AI Customer Intelligence, AI Financial Intelligence, and AI Item Intelligence. Integrating these AI tools with Sabre Limited's ERP solutions, the partnership is set to offer enhanced data analytics, improved operational efficiency, and smarter decision-making capabilities for businesses.

Both companies share a vision of continually innovating and adapting their solutions to meet the ever-evolving needs of the manufacturing industry. This partnership signifies a commitment to provide cutting-edge, data-driven solutions that keep businesses at the forefront of efficiency and technology.

If you would like to learn more about Sabre Limited, visit their website.

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